Montag, 6. Juli 2015

Mantra Video: Sadhu Maharaji and friends chant Radha Mohana

During a visit by Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg Sadhu Maharaji chant with friends the mantra “Radha Mohana”. They chant the mantra at the Saturday Evening Satsang. Here you can find more about Sadhu Maharaji: Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops at  Radha symbolizes the love of the individual soul with God. Mohana means bewitching, stunning, enchanting the mind.

Here are the lyrics to sing along:
Radhha Mohana
Jaya Shyama Vallabha

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Während des Samstagabend Satsang bei Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg singt Sadhu Maharaji mit Freunden das Mantra „Radha Mohana“. Radha steht symbolisch für die Liebe der individuellen Seele zu Gott. Mohana bedeutet betörend, den Geist bezaubernd.
Hier ist die website von Sadhu Maharaji:

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