Donnerstag, 9. April 2015

Mantra Video: Devi Devi Devi chanted by Shakti and Aryuna

Shakti and Aryuna chanten the mantra "Devi Devi Devi" as part of the Saturday evenning Satsang at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg, Germany. Information on Yoga Vidya Teachers Training Course or workshops at .  "Devi Devi Devi" is a devi kirtan. Devi is the Divine energy in the feminine form of the universal mother. She is represented by Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kali.
In our kirtanbook you`ll find the song at number 304. Here is the text to singalong:
Devi Devi Devi Jagan Mohini
Devi Devi Devi Jagan Mohini
Chandrika Devi
Chandamunda Harini
Chanmundeshwari Amike Devi

Divine Mother, show us the right way to overcome the ocean of variability.

More information referring mantras, yoga and meditation at . English Videos as well on .

Shakti und Aryuna singen den Devi Kirtan "Devi Devi Devi" während eines Samstagabend Satsang. Devi ist die göttliche Energie in weiblicher Form der universellen Mutter. Devi wird verkörpert in Gestalt von Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati und Kali. Sinngemäß bedeutet der Text folgendes: Göttliche Mutter, zeige uns den richtgigen Weg den Ozean der Veränderlichkeiten zu überwinden.

Erfahre mehr über Yoga und "yogische" Lebensweise: . Bei Yoga Vidya gibt es zahlreiche Seminare zum Thema Mantrasingen oder Musik:  .

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